As we are progressing in this important time of ascension for the entire humanity and planet, it has become extremely important to CLEAR the Energy Body from various types of negative implants and negative entities that are the main reasons for distorted and disassembled thoughts, messed up reality and self-sabotage.
Implants are frequently the reason people gets headaches or migraines.
Their presence in the energy body lowers a person's vibration and frequency.
They cause people to drain energy into their surrounding and to other people.
They are one of the major reasons behind feelings of agitation, energy depletion with no real motivation and excitement in life.
Having clarity from Implants and negative entities facilitates attainment of MENTAL ALERTNESS and GOOD HEALTH. The added benefits of having this type of energetic clearings includes ELEVATING levels of CONSCIOUSNESS and acquisition of HIGH FREQUENCIES to shift the undesired reality and to attract HIGH OPPORTUNITIES for HAPPINESS, SUCCESS and ABUNDANCE.