Affiliated with Delaflor Teachings International
If you are searching for a spiritual teacher and guide who truly embodies all the qualities that a heart-centred, spiritual leader should: authenticity, integrity, love and alignment, then Shazia is the mentor for you. She genuinely walks her talk and working with her has been nothing but an absolute honour and pleasure.
I began my journey with quantum healing about a decade ago, however, having Shazia as my mentor now has not only deepened and expanded my knowledge, but also inspired me in ways that I cannot even describe, and that I did not expect.
Not only is she an incredibly gifted and knowledgeable teacher, but her unique wisdom, insights and astounding gifts have illuminated for me the areas within myself that still call out to me for more love, compassion and healing. Just being in her loving energy is a beautiful catalyst for profound self-discovery within itself.
I will forever be grateful for Shazia coming into my life, in perfect divine right timing. After all, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
If you are ready for the breathtaking gifts that Shazia has to offer you then do not hesitate.
Just count yourself blessed and say “Thank you”.
Thank you Shazia xxx
Luna Starfether
​​Thanks to the healing and training that I have experienced with Shazia, I am becoming the person I am meant to be and living the life I am meant to live. Not only have I made shifts and transformation in my own life, but applying what I have learned is making a difference for my family and others close to me. Through the training, I have learned that we can rise above all the doom, gloom, and drama going on in the world. During these very difficult and challenging times for most of humanity, my family and I are thriving and doing very well.
Shazia always delivers what she promises and more. I started with the Solfeggio Hertz Frequency training and the next thing I knew I was a beginner in advanced classes! I have had the Advanced Auric Clearing, Advanced Karmic Clearing, and Master DNA Activation plus we received bonus trainings with each training. When you follow and keep up with the training and the assignments you will always get results.
I am presently 69 years of age and I can attest that it is not too late to be the master of your fate. From this healing and training, I feel younger and I have a younger outlook on life. I am so excited about my life like I was when I was 30. Through the training, I learned more about who I am and my purpose. The training has also prepared me to move forward with my mission. As my frequency has been raised more and more, I have been connecting to new people, places, events and experiences. I was pleasantly surprised to be connected with my twin flame during the last training I participated in.
If you would like to be transformed and empowered so that you can become the person you are meant to be and live the life you are meant to live, I highly recommend that you seek out Shazia. She has so much to offer to help you with whatever concerns or goals you have. Thank you, Shazia, for all that you do for humanity and the ascension of Mother Earth.
Much respect,
Fahmeeda Hameed
Through the Indigo Assembly (a powerful series of 12 sessions), I was launched into a journey of self-discovery, healing and mastery.
My participation in this series opened up my awareness to the true nature of my reality. Each session; loaded with high frequencies activations and great insights, started uncovering my passion. My mission started to become more clearer to me and above all came the realization that this is really just the beginning!
I am truly grateful for the wonderful energies, teachings and your guidance Shazia. You had been a great support throughout my empowerment journey and you delivered each session beautifully.
I can say that I AM now empowered with the gifts which are constantly unfolding and giving for me.
Thank you
Rita Louise
Shazia went above and beyond in assisting me to clear my energy body from extreme, prolonged trauma that I've carried with me since my teenage years. My medical help and trauma therapy only took me so far. I was aware I had more healing to do, but didn't know how to do that or where to turn.
I was fortunate enough to have Shazia's YouTube channel show up on my home feed. Intuitively, I knew she would be my contact for implant and energetic clearings. I experienced her as a profound healer and teacher, infused with love and compassion. Her teachings were clear and insightful.
I highly recommend her sessions for energy healing. Her work assists in healing humanity, as this was my personal experience. I learned many lessons of universal truths and empowerment.
I look forward to doing more sessions and trainings from this gifted teacher.
Much love,
Evon Rogers
I began my CODES OF AH journey in August, 2019 and continued studying Shazia's work, making it a daily practice. I wasn't familiar with the work, but felt profound changes early on. I was focused on clearing Implants and found the "YouTube" series to be extremely helpful. Unknown to me at the time, was a shift in my awareness and consciousness. I later reached out to Shazia for a discussion and information about the Codes of AH. We decided to engage in 3 sessions which was a thrill to me and the healing was remarkable. I began to feel the impact and discovered love for myself and the UNIVERSE. It is still curious to me what was actually changing!
I later believed the blessings changed me forever. My early adulthood was fraught with tragedy. Though I did everything possible, traditional therapy was not sustainable. It was valuable to ask the question, what would it feel like to be in the world differently. I was seeking calm, joy, knee buckling laughter and empowerment in my world. I think I've found it through this modality.
Shazia and I collaborated beautifully in my view. I wrote my intentions before the sessions and the synergy on the calls was awe inspiring. I love Shazia for her incredible insight, awareness and keen sense of the direction to heal this old history and move to an empowered space.. Magic and love happened!
My family of origin and friends are very different today. I am aware through the deep work daily with the Codes of AH that I can be my true self. The changes seem subtle, but very palpable throughout my life. The shift in my consciousness was unique to my old way of being. Love of self was probably the game changer and worrying less about the opinions of others is a wonderful state of being and happy to report this change.
My work life is exhilarating and Shazia helped me to change my clarity of vision and strategy. I own a company and shifted all my intense serious behavior into enjoying my team and clients in a different way. It's not perfect, but I set intentions daily and do my best. I actually and unequivocally assume the best outcome will happen.
The Codes of AH offer a DIVINE intervention to assist me with life issues and focus on Mother Earth to offer support to every place in this loving UNIVERSE. Love is expansive and Shazia is a great guide.
I've joined the GUARDIAN MISSION GROUP on a monthly call and my heart soars. I'm deeply honored to explore the designated topics and work together with the team to focus our attention on Mother Earth and support universal consciousness. I love the Facebook shares and continued education to focus on the critical needs. It simply required expanding my awareness and opening the lense to the DIVINE light.
Shazia, your gifts to the world and devotion is equal to the model for my evolution. It was just a few months ago, when I landed on the YouTube" site to clear Implants and my world shifted in a way that I could never imagine. I simply said "YES" to change!
I look forward to expanding further with coursework. In closing, I LOVE my ringing ears. It feels as though the Angel's are talking, laughing and offer a joy filled journey ahead. I said "YES" to LOVE!
Thank you
Bless You
Love You
Sally A. Buckley
The absolute best thing I can say is that Shazia will guide you right back to yourself in a holistic, impactful and insightful manner. The most beautiful thing is that I am mastering self-sufficiency, I am now able to count on myself for all my needs and am able to make an impact where I choose to, whilst honoring self and all of life.
I have confronted my demons and do so on a daily basis only to discover more is possible. Daily challenges look like adventures more than daily drudge.
I can do more, take on more whilst maintaining the awareness that I AM.
I am healthier, stronger, wiser and happier. I feel beautiful, peaceful, lovelier and I am able to focus, remember and forget at will.
Somehow, all these things rub off on my kids as well, communicating with them has improved exponentially. They have become miraculously more disciplined, express how they feel clearly, they are more focused, they get their stuff done and they are not even seven yet!
This is going to sound like one of those marketing pitch, difference is that I speak from exceptional experience while working with Shazia. So, if you intend to make a lifetime investment than this is it.
Svetlana Jolinda Ernesta
I have an honor of working with Shazia as my healer, teacher, and leader for several years.
As a healer, Shazia has unique abilities to heal body, mind and spirit in a very subtle and gentle way by using power of her intent and high frequency quantum healing tools. She doesn’t just heal you but she also empowers you to unlock your own inner powers to heal yourself and stop looking for someone else to help.
As a teacher, Shazia doesn’t just teach her students about protocols and healing modalities, she is teaching how to live your life according to the Universal Laws, how to choose your thoughts, words and action wisely so you can create a better life for yourself, raise your frequency and fulfill your soul mission on this planet. I took two trainings with Shazia - Aura Clearing Master Healer Certification for Practitioners and Karma Clearing Master Healer Certification for Practitioners and benefited profoundly from both trainings. Not only I understand clearly what causes all the dis-eases in the body and creates blockages to the desired outcomes but I can work closely on myself now and my family to stay grounded, protected and “clean” of all the negative energies.
As a leader of the “Guardians” group – Shazia exhibits many qualities of a true spiritual leader - Intelligence, vision, dedication, integrity, professionalism and above all she is a pleasure to work with. After each session my heart fills with eternal gratitude for Shazia for giving us an opportunity to raise our own frequencies and also to work on the planetary grids and assist in the consciousness ascension of the entire planet.
I highly recommend working with Shazia to anyone who would like to become a Healing Practitioner or has just awakened or awakening to their soul mission.
With gratitude
Natalia M
Shazia Naz is an impeccable teacher. When I discovered that she has been given the authority to teach this material for the conscious evolution of humanity, I immediately became one of her students. She has a beautiful way of explaining this timeless spiritual information and making it easily accessible and understandable. At the same time she is always encouraging her students to excel more in personal development and is very resourceful.
I have attended three of her offered trainings namely "The Great Masters", "Tools for Empowerment" for online marketing and more recently "The Advanced Avatar Training".
Every given training is extensive and very professionally conducted, adding to my self-empowerment and professional enhancement.
I am immensely grateful for her presence in my life and highly recommend that you get to know her. She is a loving brilliant presence and holds within her the great tools of personal transformation.
Much love,
Patricia Brandon
I have received transformational trainings from Shazia Naz Subhani over the course of past few years which has tremendously impacted all aspects of my life!
I am thankful for the given opportunities of learning and growing in empowerment using tools and protocols via my certifications for Aura Clearing Master Healer Certification for Practitioners, Karma Clearing Master Healer Certification for Practitioners, Un-natural Seals Clearing Certification for Practitioners, Master DNA Activations Certification for Practitioners and trainings for Advanced Avatar Certification Program for Practitioners.
These trainings have opened up for me a totally new world of possibilities for healing my own life and assisting several others. All trainings had been very powerful and helpful in developing my own working business around quantum healing and at the same time helping me to serve my soul purpose in this life time.
I strongly recommend to every awakened person who has started walking the spiritual path toward conscious ascension to participate in her offered training courses which will transform their life for good!
Thank you and best wishes,
Ivan Jecmen
Dear Shazia,
I cannot thank you enough for the Tools for Empowerment training I just completed with you. It is amazing how much I’ve learned during seven sessions. Every single session was prepared immaculate and every detail was covered, so later when I was doing practical work myself, following the sessions’ recordings I never even had any additional questions to ask.
All I had before I enrolled in this training was a strong desire to have my own internet business. I did have quite solid knowledge on how to use a computer, but was complete illiterate on how to use marketing tools and what I actually needed. That was only 7 weeks ago. Now I’m ALL SET to successfully launch my business and going big with my soul mission.
You also added tremendous value to these lessons by including some energy clearings which helped me a lot in moments when I felt overwhelmed or started to doubt myself.
I’m grateful beyond words to be mentored by you - gentle, loving, supporting and caring fountain of knowledge. I highly recommend your courses to everyone! If I was able to learn and implement everything mentioned above (and I’ll be 50 next year) EVERYBODY can do it! I’m so proud of myself now and will be definitely coming back for more!
Thank you for your guidance and much love to you,
Mojca Sajn Andrews
Shazia Naz Subhani is a superb teacher. The training I received for online marketing tools was in detail and just what I needed.
Thanks Shazia
Patricia Brandon
Dear Shazia,
Right after I started the series of certification trainings with you, it was clear to me that I’m at the right spot!
Training for Aura clearing and Karma clearing which I participated in, were very carefully created; taking care about every single detail which are significant to someone who is preparing to become a certified facilitator. The recent unnatural seals and implants clearing training is no exception!
Thankful to your detailed courses, I am able to find out about facts I couldn’t find anywhere else and to prepare myself to become not only certified facilitator, but also quite certain about the new ground for myself.
I warmly recommend your courses to every potential facilitator, as a place where they can start with their journey of learning to clear and activate themselves and to serve others.
Thank you,
Ivan Jecmen
First of all, Thank you very much Shazia for being the guide and help in this path I am going through.
I will be talking about the affects I am witnessing in myself. The last lecture of clearing the complexes affected me a lot as it touched all concerns in my mind, actually even in the activation sessions I used to cry a lot when it comes to fear and power, even in clearing the complexes I cried a lot whenever it comes to fear and power, but recently I came to recognize the fear I have inside of me, it is a big obstacle that prevented me from moving on in a lot of my life aspects, but now I am working on it, and after the activation sessions it is less and I feel courageous, powerful and worthy. Recently I am aware of more changes that are happening to me, my head is calm, I am stronger and stable. I feel like I am finding myself again and it feels great!
Whenever I think of something that I desire, just couple of days later all opportunities and events popped up, which feels great, like work, money and relations. I have been always loving, caring and trustworthy person, and I am there for whoever choose to be with me as I love helping others and to make them happy, but it used to drain me a lot, as I get emotional and get into the cycle of the person I am helping, but now I am calm and stable, yes I am the same person but my reaction is different, I am not involved in the drama, i just understand the subject, show support and give advice and pray for the person, then just leave. I feel I am more capable and effective in helping others which make me happier now.
Although I am staying away from distractions around me to focus on myself and observe my surrounding, but I am receiving more love and care, I used to receive love before but now I feel it is pure and honest. I notice everyone around keep telling me Mona you're shining the place and make us all happy just by being around you :). I am meeting strangers and new people and they are all extra nice to me. I am accepting, welcoming and appreciating whatever comes in my way, I am accepting whatever people tell me as there is a reason for whatever comes to me now, well, it have been always like that but I haven't been aware of it before.
Nowadays, every week if I am noticing something not right within me I choose to work to cure it with energy, then another thing shows up and I keep working on myself. I can't accept doing or saying negative things any more, that is happening unconsciously now, even I can't accept it when others saying or doing anything negative in front of me. Now, when I think what I want to do in the future, I just decide and don't even think if it is possible to do or not, I just decide and start to work accordingly knowing it will happen and I will get all the help and guidance from life to reach there, I really believe that nothing will stop me now.
At home, I knew I had more obstacles but after the activation I got stronger and able to disconnect myself from the effect of anything negative happens, but also I noticed everything is calm recently whenever I am around, or if there is anything negative happening somehow I am not around. I have always had the desire to feel loved, cared for and contained, and I have been getting it from friends or searching for it in the wrong places and unsuccessful relations, but finally I have started to feel loved, cared for and contained by myself. This is still a new feeling but I am getting used to it and very happy! Although it was hard to digest in my system to cut the cords from my family and friends as I was emotionally dependent on them all my life , but my awareness made me see things I never saw or noticed before, Now, I am reaching there by events that are happening and guiding me. I know it is a continues process but I started to feel I am enough for myself finally.
Oh, feeling worthy is GREAT, I am treating myself with respect and passion, throwing all old stuff, buying me new expensive things as I deserve it. I spoil myself and treat myself as THE BEST person to be treated in the best way possible. Religious wise, all prayers are somehow different for me now, I am better in my beliefs and prayers either when I pray or when I say prayers for others. I am more connected to Allah than before, even the faith I have feels different. Well, that was a long feedback I guess lol.. but I reached to the point it’s all clear for me and I can describe it now.
Thank you again Shazia and much love to you.
Mona Hagos
No words can express my gratitude to you! Through office work was how I and Shazia were introduced to each other years ago. For me Shazia used to be and still is a role model in many aspects. She mentored me to progress and improve my work skills; she did this in a professional, firm, yet humble and kind way. When we exchanged mobile numbers I added her number to the contact list on my mobile as “SHAZIA THE MENTOR”.
I did not knew that the biggest mentorship episode is still to take place. Before I describe the re-discovery of me as I like to call it I desire to start by describing Nadia before August 2013.
I am a lady in my forth decade. I am a loving person, I like to give, I love to laugh, I like to make people around me happy and I may say that I am gifted with the ability of bringing joy wherever I go. Most people (men and women) I know agree that I am a positive person and that I have good influence on them. I am that kind of individuals to whom people come to talk and share their problems and deepest secrets. Yet strangely, when I used to experience a problem most of times I chose to isolate myself and not sharing. At the time I offer others help I was not able to helping myself but rather feel drained and confused, afraid to choose for the sake of not being blamed or rejected. For long time I used to consume 4 to 6 tablets a day for the headache that medically was of no reason. I was known as the Panadol reservoir; wherever I go I carry Panadol, at home and office all kinds of Panadol!!
I was married for more than 20 years blessed by having three kids. From the logic point of view of people around me, I was supposed to be the happiest woman on earth. I am thankful and grateful for everything I have in my life yet there was always something missing… like an empty space within me. I and my previous husband did not resonated with each other as if we come from different worlds. That over the years created a viscous circle of projecting blame and victimization where the two of us were running in. Being a woman I was spinning around in the unworthiness and unreservedness and that I am not good enough. And that God does not love me. Fear of being abandoned grew inside me, blaming myself for things and events that I have nothing to do with. I had some sort of rough relation with my mother not being on her level of religious belief was an add on factor because I am not wearing scarf. Religiously, I believe in God and I love God and deep in my heart I know he is the merciful, yet I was always thinking that why God would hurt me and I am his own creation. In the year 2009 I filled a divorce upon my request which I had to revise shortly after. And choosing to do something against my will manifested in episodes of nervous breakdown that affected my general health and ability to maintain my daily life tasks towards my family, my work and more important towards myself. I was put on a powerful anti-depressant medication to help in stabilizing my mood. Sometime during the year 2013 and before I start my re discovery I decided to stop taking the medication from the perception that it was only making my brain numb. Somehow quitting the medication made me think more clear and I become more certain that there must be something missing.
In August 2013 the enlightening journey of re discovering myself started. I had my first session of Aura Clearance with SHAZIA. On completing the Aura Clearance I am now like a blind person who sees light for the first time! This is how I like to describe my experience after the Aura Clearance. Aura Clearance cleared my energy field from all past analogical experiences that took over me and was projected as my identity. I started to practice expressing myself without being worried or afraid of how I will be received by others. That is because of the blockage I had in my throat Chakra. Since I was a child I was not allowed to speak as part of the manners I was raised with. I became more observant of what is going around me, watching the daily drama yet not engaging myself in it. I continued the clearance sessions one after the other. The Karma clearance was an intensive one where the karmic ties and past contracts I had inherited from my parents were cut once and for all. Guilt was the biggest Karma I had. That is true most of the times I felt guilty, accepting the blame for anything and everything which in return was fueling the shame that was energizing the unworthiness and unreservedness. One week after I completed the J seal removal I was able to bend my left knee which was stiff for more than two years during which period I had gone an endoscopy for fixing it yet did not help much. My heart Chakra gets activated fulfilling potential Unconditionally Loving state in me. For the first time in my entire life I am consciously aware that I am as in the past always connected to God, so no worries and no fear. Shortly after, I registered for the Golden DNA Activations, three stunningly beautiful sessions with Shazia. During each session I was integrated with new Codes, and Commands restoring my DNA template and activating my Heart Chakra to its highest potential, to freely give and receive love. Re birthing is how I like to describe integrating the Golden DNA activation sessions.
Day after day my frequency is becoming higher. I receive answers for the questions that were for so long not answered. I am the remembrance of the goodness in me as God within me.
Now I know where I stand as I am the messenger of my own mission and destiny, me no more judging people. I accept people the way they are. I am in my full potential loving state. I am no more the Panadol reservoir as I am the frequency of the joy reverberating multi dimensionally in all my forms, manifestations and creation choices. My relation with my kids shows tremendous improvement, especially my oldest son who is a 26 years old young man. I am available and honored to serve when I am asked to yet no more the doormat . I did the amends for my genetic mother so restored the mother daughter relation after years of living past Karmic experience that we had nothing to do with but inheriting it from past generations. My relation with my previous husband is better than it was ever before, though he does not know what I am doing yet according to him I am influencing him positively. As of today, I live with same people share with many of them the same places that in the past witnessed sad moments and events, now becoming just memories with no more emotional engagement or analogical situations. As my frequency is getting higher and more fine-tuned, Knowing that my higher self is I AM in higher dimensions so I AM secured and safe I am in oneness with God. That is clearly stated in the Holly Quran. Day after day I am witnessing my choices, hence decisions are more in line with the source will so attracting the right new people, places, times, things, and events.
Being my mission is to serve humanity, I am honored for enrolling to receiving the training to be a certified Aura Clearance Facilitator. Aura and Karma clearance along with J- seal removal and the Golden DNA Activations are a life time gift that parents would love to give to their children. It is the best investment ever.
My son Ahmed is a 12 years old boy. Ahmed has completed the Aura and Karma clearance and J-seal removal sessions. Ahmed integrated the sessions in a nice way. With the kind assistance of Shazia he wants to continue and in the near future he will no more need to take the Attention Deficit Disorder medications he has been receiving during the last three and half years.
As a Muslim I know this journey would not have been possible to start before. As simply everything happens in the DIVINE RIGHT TIME and DIVINE RIGHT ORDER.
Thank you Shazia Naz Subhani for learning and spreading the knowledge
Much Love and Respect,
Nadia Dessouky
I am very honored to be working with Ms. Shazia. I have been introduced to this magical work from her in the past months and so I got enrolled in this great work as a client for the basic clearing and as a student to learn the training as one of the finest clearings on humans energy field , something you can't get anywhere in this world.
I was missing a lot of parts of the puzzle before I had the knowledge to understand something about energy work as I have been working on before as a healer and a psychologist in my day to day routine life with my family, friends and clients. I got a great deal of understanding of more information about the secrets behind the history of the human body’s energetic clearing and the required actions to retain the ability to create and manifest as a birth right on our own.
I also started my online business after implementing all steps Ms. Shazia offered to us in the Tools for Empowerment Training
At first I was under the impression that this will be hard to grasp instead, I found myself melting with joy and enthusiasm that made me to step up and align myself with my soul mission and just do it.
It’s been a month so far and I have already built a database of 500 clients to join my first webinar. I personally couldn't have done it without your help and without the decision to just do it kind of thing.
I highly recommend all clearings, activations and training courses to enable a person to understand more of how the conduction of the energetic clearings takes place and always there are additional bonuses and information given while undergoing your given trainings.
Thank you Ms. Shazia for your great mentorship and your intention of seeking the knowledge first and then serving humanity in spreading wellness and supporting us to regain once again our birth right, our powers and ability to remember who we really are.
Yours truly,
Aliya Al Firm
Shazia is a kind and compassionate person. The services that I availed from her made me more at peace in my day to day life. For example at work if there is a chaotic dead line base situation I would be all panicky and my heart would be racing until the job gets done, but after the sessions with Shazia I am now all calm cool and collected in the same situation. All things just seem to be falling into place and working out.
Aliya Hashim
I have known Shazia for a long time now and she had conducted many of the clearing sessions on me as well. The only thing I can say is that you have the real deal here. I have yet to meet anyone as loving, caring, compassionate, selfless and giving as Shazia. She is a true humanitarian.
Some of the experiences I had throughout and after the clearing sessions are:
- Enhanced memory
- People who did not match or resonate with my frequency somehow dropped out of my life and that is a good thing
- Even though I am quite a tolerant person by nature, during and after the sessions, I became SUPER tolerant. Again, a very good thing!
Good luck to you all. Just know that you are in good hands.
Samia Hashim